Aktivering - ett av (Innehåller SIM CARD och aktiveringskostnad) | USD 40.00 (USD 40.00 *) |
This rate is available only for FLEET ONE terminals and FLEET ONE SIM CARDS
IMPORTANT NOTE: there is a different range of SIM CARD for COASTAL and GLOBAL plans. SIMS cannot migrate through plans.
VALIDITY PERIOD: on redemption of a voucher (top-up) the subscriber balance expiry date will be extended by the number of days attached to that voucher or the subscriber existing balance expiry date remains., wichever is later.
· Standard data speed is restricted to 100 Kbps
· The service can be used only for any size of vessels
SMS (antal meddelanden) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 50 units E-voucher/30 days | 0 | 50 | 30 dagar | USD 126.00 (USD 126.00*) |
USD 1.26 (USD 1.26*) |
USD 1.71 (USD 1.71*) |
USD 1.26 (USD 1.26*) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 250 units E-voucher/30 days | 0 | 250 | 30 dagar | USD 587.00 (USD 587.00*) |
USD 1.17 (USD 1.17*) |
USD 1.60 (USD 1.60*) |
USD 1.17 (USD 1.17*) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 500 units E-voucher/90 days | 0 | 500 | 90 dagar | USD 1132.00 (USD 1132.00*) |
USD 1.13 (USD 1.13*) |
USD 1.54 (USD 1.54*) |
USD 1.13 (USD 1.13*) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 1000 units E-voucher/180 days | 0 | 1000 | 180 dagar | USD 2180.00 (USD 2180.00*) |
USD 1.09 (USD 1.09*) |
USD 1.48 (USD 1.48*) |
USD 1.09 (USD 1.09*) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 1500 units E-voucher/180 days | 0 | 1500 | 180 dagar | USD 3145.00 (USD 3145.00*) |
USD 1.05 (USD 1.05*) |
USD 1.43 (USD 1.43*) |
USD 1.05 (USD 1.05*) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 5000 units E-voucher/180 days | 0 | 5000 | 180 dagar | USD 10102.00 (USD 10102.00*) |
USD 1.01 (USD 1.01*) |
USD 1.37 (USD 1.37*) |
USD 1.01 (USD 1.01*) |
Samtalsavgifter för : BETALA I FÖRSKOTT FLEET ONE GLOBAL Prepaid | ||||
Samtal till Fasta telefoner (av hela världen) |
Samtal till Mobile Mobiltelefoner (av hela världen) |
Samtal till Telefonsvarar |
SMS skickas från din telefon |
SMS mottaget på telefonen |
Datasamtal per minut |
Data samtal per MB |
Betalt för 256 bits (32 byte) |
Avgift per 1000 bytes |
Samtal gjorts i din region till fasta telefoner inom din region |
Samtal gjorts i din region till fasta telefoner utanför din region |
Samtal gjorts utanför din region till en fast telefon |
Samtal gjorts i din region till mobiltelefoner inom din region |
Samtal gjorts i din region till mobiltelefoner utanför din region |
Samtal som gjorts utanför din region till en mobiltelefon |
Datasamtal per minut som gjorts utanför din region |
Datasamtal per minut som gjorts utanför din region |
Datasamtal per MB som gjorts i din region |
Datasamtal per MB som gjorts utanför din region |
Data samtal per MB i SYDAMERIKA |
Samtal till Iridium |
Samtal till Thuraya |
Samtal till Inmarsat GSPS ISATPHONE - LINK |
Samtal till Inmarsat SPS |
Samtal till Inmarsat FleetBroadband |
Samtal till Inmarsat BGAN |
Samtal till Inmarsat Swiftbradband |
Samtal till Inmarsat B |
Samtal till Inmarsat M |
Samtal till Inmarsat MINI-M |
Samtal till Inmarsat GAN |
Samtal till Inmarsat FLEET |
Samtal till Inmarsat SWIFT |
Samtal till Inmarsat AERO |
Samtal till andra satellit Telefoner (med undantag av ovan) |
mottagna samtal från +1 Access |
mottagna samtal från Two stage dialing |
utgående samtal i ISDN |
Datasamtal per minut steaming 8 |
Datasamtal per minut steaming 16 |
Datasamtal per minut steaming 24 |
Datasamtal per minut steaming 32 |
Datasamtal per minut steaming 64 |
Datasamtal per minut steaming 128 |
Datasamtal per minut steaming 176 |
Datasamtal per minut steaming 256 |
Datasamtal per minut X-STREAM |
Täckningskarta |
SIM-kort eller Terminal Swap (vid skadad eller förlorad / stulet SIM-kortet eller terminal) | USD 45.00 (USD 45.00 *) |
SIM-kort eller Terminal SUSPENSION (automatisk suspention om betalning av fakturan uteblir eller av andra skäl) | USD 15.00 (USD 15.00 *) |
Reactivation of a perviously SUSPENDED SIM or Terminal | USD 15.00 (USD 15.00 *) |
Detaljerad beskrivning av påladdnings kupongerna | |||
Kuponger som enbart gäller för första aktivering | ENHETER | PRIS | ANMÄRKNINGAR |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 50 units E-voucher/30 days | 50 | USD 126.00 (USD 126.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 250 units E-voucher/30 days | 250 | USD 587.00 (USD 587.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 500 units E-voucher/90 days | 500 | USD 1132.00 (USD 1132.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 1000 units E-voucher/180 days | 1000 | USD 2180.00 (USD 2180.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 1500 units E-voucher/180 days | 1500 | USD 3145.00 (USD 3145.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 5000 units E-voucher/180 days | 5000 | USD 10102.00 (USD 10102.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 50 units E-voucher/30 days | 50 | USD 126.00 (USD 126.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 250 units E-voucher/30 days | 250 | USD 587.00 (USD 587.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 500 units E-voucher/90 days | 500 | USD 1132.00 (USD 1132.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 1000 units E-voucher/180 days | 1000 | USD 2180.00 (USD 2180.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 1500 units E-voucher/180 days | 1500 | USD 3145.00 (USD 3145.00 *) |
INMARSAT - FLEET ONE GLOBAL Pre-pay - 5000 units E-voucher/180 days | 5000 | USD 10102.00 (USD 10102.00 *) |
* As reference all prices are converted in your Favourite currency (you can select your currency from the top menu), original prices are written first and prices expressed in your favourite currency are shown between parentheses. VAT is Excluded. On your invoice you will have exchange rate of the invoice period that may be different from today exchange rate. Now we show BCE Exchange rate of 09/03/2025
Om Geoborders |
Geoborders is an independent Mobile Satellite Communications Provider established in 1995. It is now one of the leaders in different commercial sectors and have a wide variety of clients worldwide, including individual travellers, large corporations, aid agencies, shipping companies, government departments and the military. Geoborders have HQ in London and distributes its product and services via wholesale and retail channels through its branches and partners.